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    · InputArchive

    · OutputArchive

    · Index

    · Record

  2.1 InputArchive


public interface InputArchive {    // 读取byte类型    public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取boolean类型    public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取int类型    public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取long类型    public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取float类型    public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取double类型    public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException;    // 读取String类型    public String readString(String tag) throws IOException;    // 通过缓冲方式读取    public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始读取记录    public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始读取记录    public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束读取记录    public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始读取向量    public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束读取向量    public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始读取Map    public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束读取Map    public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException;}



  1. BinaryInputArchive  

public class BinaryInputArchive implements InputArchive {    // DataInput接口,用于从二进制流中读取字节    private DataInput in;        // 静态方法,用于获取Archive    static public BinaryInputArchive getArchive(InputStream strm) {        return new BinaryInputArchive(new DataInputStream(strm));    }        // 内部类,对应BinaryInputArchive索引    static private class BinaryIndex implements Index {        private int nelems;        BinaryIndex(int nelems) {            this.nelems = nelems;        }        public boolean done() {            return (nelems <= 0);        }        public void incr() {            nelems--;        }    }    /** Creates a new instance of BinaryInputArchive */    // 构造函数    public BinaryInputArchive(DataInput in) {        this.in = in;    }        // 读取字节    public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readByte();    }        // 读取boolean类型    public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readBoolean();    }        // 读取int类型    public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readInt();    }        // 读取long类型    public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readLong();    }        // 读取float类型    public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readFloat();    }        // 读取double类型    public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException {        return in.readDouble();    }        // 读取String类型    public String readString(String tag) throws IOException {        // 确定长度        int len = in.readInt();        if (len == -1) return null;        byte b[] = new byte[len];        // 从输入流中读取一些字节,并将它们存储在缓冲区数组b中        in.readFully(b);        return new String(b, "UTF8");    }        // 最大缓冲值    static public final int maxBuffer = Integer.getInteger("jute.maxbuffer", 0xfffff);    // 读取缓冲    public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException {        // 确定长度        int len = readInt(tag);        if (len == -1) return null;        // Since this is a rough sanity check, add some padding to maxBuffer to        // make up for extra fields, etc. (otherwise e.g. clients may be able to        // write buffers larger than we can read from disk!)        if (len < 0 || len > maxBuffer + 1024) { // 检查长度是否合理            throw new IOException("Unreasonable length = " + len);        }        byte[] arr = new byte[len];        // 从输入流中读取一些字节,并将它们存储在缓冲区数组arr中        in.readFully(arr);        return arr;    }        // 读取记录    public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        // 反序列化,动态调用        r.deserialize(this, tag);    }        // 开始读取记录,实现为空    public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException {}        // 结束读取记录,实现为空    public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException {}        // 开始读取向量    public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException {        // 确定长度        int len = readInt(tag);        if (len == -1) {            return null;        }        // 返回索引        return new BinaryIndex(len);    }        // 结束读取向量    public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException {}        // 开始读取Map    public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException {        // 返回索引        return new BinaryIndex(readInt(tag));    }        // 结束读取Map,实现为空    public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException {}    }
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  2. CsvInputArchive 

/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.jute;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.PushbackReader;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;/** * */class CsvInputArchive implements InputArchive {    // 推回字节流    private PushbackReader stream;       // 内部类,对应CsvInputArchive索引    private class CsvIndex implements Index {        public boolean done() {            char c = '\0';            try {                c = (char) stream.read();                stream.unread(c);            } catch (IOException ex) {            }            return (c == '}') ? true : false;        }        public void incr() {}    }        // 私有方法,抛出异常    private void throwExceptionOnError(String tag) throws IOException {        throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);    }        // 私有方法,读取字段    private String readField(String tag) throws IOException {        try {            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();            while (true) {                 // 读取并转化为字符                char c = (char) stream.read();                switch (c) { // 判断字符                    case ',':                        // 读取字段完成,可直接返回                        return buf.toString();                    case '}':                    case '\n':                    case '\r':                        // 推回缓冲区                        stream.unread(c);                        return buf.toString();                    default: // 默认添加至buf中                        buf.append(c);                }            }        } catch (IOException ex) {            throw new IOException("Error reading "+tag);        }    }        // 获取CsvInputArchive    static CsvInputArchive getArchive(InputStream strm)    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {        return new CsvInputArchive(strm);    }        /** Creates a new instance of CsvInputArchive */    // 构造函数    public CsvInputArchive(InputStream in)    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {        // 初始化stream属性        stream = new PushbackReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));    }        // 读取byte类型    public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException {        return (byte) readLong(tag);    }        // 读取boolean类型    public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException {        String sval = readField(tag);        return "T".equals(sval) ? true : false;    }        // 读取int类型    public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException {        return (int) readLong(tag);    }        // 读取long类型    public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException {        // 读取字段        String sval = readField(tag);        try {            // 转化            long lval = Long.parseLong(sval);            return lval;        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }    }        // 读取float类型    public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException {        return (float) readDouble(tag);    }        // 读取double类型    public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException {        // 读取字段        String sval = readField(tag);        try {            // 转化            double dval = Double.parseDouble(sval);            return dval;        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }    }        // 读取String类型    public String readString(String tag) throws IOException {        // 读取字段        String sval = readField(tag);        // 转化        return Utils.fromCSVString(sval);            }        // 读取缓冲类型    public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException {        // 读取字段        String sval = readField(tag);        // 转化        return Utils.fromCSVBuffer(sval);    }        // 读取记录    public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        // 反序列化        r.deserialize(this, tag);    }        // 开始读取记录    public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException {        if (tag != null && !"".equals(tag)) {             // 读取并转化为字符            char c1 = (char) stream.read();            // 读取并转化为字符            char c2 = (char) stream.read();            if (c1 != 's' || c2 != '{') { // 进行判断                throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);            }        }    }        // 结束读取记录    public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException {        // 读取并转化为字符        char c = (char) stream.read();        if (tag == null || "".equals(tag)) {            if (c != '\n' && c != '\r') { // 进行判断                throw new IOException("Error deserializing record.");            } else {                return;            }        }                if (c != '}') { // 进行判断            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }        // 读取并转化为字符        c = (char) stream.read();        if (c != ',') {             // 推回缓冲区            stream.unread(c);        }                return;    }        // 开始读取vector    public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException {        char c1 = (char) stream.read();        char c2 = (char) stream.read();        if (c1 != 'v' || c2 != '{') {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }        return new CsvIndex();    }        // 结束读取vector    public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException {        char c = (char) stream.read();        if (c != '}') {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }        c = (char) stream.read();        if (c != ',') {            stream.unread(c);        }        return;    }        // 开始读取Map    public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException {        char c1 = (char) stream.read();        char c2 = (char) stream.read();        if (c1 != 'm' || c2 != '{') {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }        return new CsvIndex();    }        // 结束读取Map    public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException {        char c = (char) stream.read();        if (c != '}') {            throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag);        }        c = (char) stream.read();        if (c != ',') {            stream.unread(c);        }        return;    }}
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  3. XmlInputArchive 

/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.jute;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.util.ArrayList;import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;import org.xml.sax.Attributes;import org.xml.sax.SAXException;import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;/** * */class XmlInputArchive implements InputArchive {    // 内部类,值(包含类型和值)    static private class Value {        private String type;        private StringBuffer sb;                public Value(String t) {            type = t;            sb = new StringBuffer();        }                // 添加chars        public void addChars(char[] buf, int offset, int len) {            sb.append(buf, offset, len);        }                // 返回value        public String getValue() { return sb.toString(); }                // 返回type        public String getType() { return type; }    }        // 内部类,XML解析器    private static class XMLParser extends DefaultHandler {        private boolean charsValid = false;                private ArrayList
valList; private XMLParser(ArrayList
vlist) { valList = vlist; } // 文档开始,空的实现 public void startDocument() throws SAXException {} // 文档结束,空的实现 public void endDocument() throws SAXException {} // 开始解析元素 public void startElement(String ns, String sname, String qname, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException { // charsValid = false; if ("boolean".equals(qname) || // boolean类型 "i4".equals(qname) || // 四个字节 "int".equals(qname) || // int类型 "string".equals(qname) || // String类型 "double".equals(qname) || // double类型 "ex:i1".equals(qname) || // 一个字节 "ex:i8".equals(qname) || // 八个字节 "ex:float".equals(qname)) { // 基本类型 // charsValid = true; // 添加至列表 valList.add(new Value(qname)); } else if ("struct".equals(qname) || "array".equals(qname)) { // 结构体或数组类型 // 添加至列表 valList.add(new Value(qname)); } } // 结束解析元素 public void endElement(String ns, String sname, String qname) throws SAXException { charsValid = false; if ("struct".equals(qname) || "array".equals(qname)) { // 结构体或数组类型 // 添加至列表 valList.add(new Value("/"+qname)); } } public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len) throws SAXException { if (charsValid) { // 是否合法 // 从列表获取value Value v = valList.get(valList.size()-1); // 将buf添加至value v.addChars(buf, offset,len); } } } // 内部类,对应XmlInputArchive private class XmlIndex implements Index { // 是否已经完成 public boolean done() { // 根据索引获取value Value v = valList.get(vIdx); if ("/array".equals(v.getType())) { // 类型为/array // 设置开索引值为null valList.set(vIdx, null); // 增加索引值 vIdx++; return true; } else { return false; } } // 增加索引值,空的实现 public void incr() {} } // 值列表 private ArrayList
valList; // 值长度 private int vLen; // 索引 private int vIdx; // 下一项 private Value next() throws IOException { if (vIdx < vLen) { // 当前索引值小于长度 // 获取值 Value v = valList.get(vIdx); // 设置索引值为null valList.set(vIdx, null); // 增加索引值 vIdx++; return v; } else { throw new IOException("Error in deserialization."); } } // 获取XmlInputArchive static XmlInputArchive getArchive(InputStream strm) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { return new XmlInputArchive(strm); } /** Creates a new instance of BinaryInputArchive */ // 构造函数 public XmlInputArchive(InputStream in) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { // 初始化XmlInputArchive的相应字段 valList = new ArrayList
(); DefaultHandler handler = new XMLParser(valList); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); parser.parse(in, handler); vLen = valList.size(); vIdx = 0; } // 读取byte类型 public byte readByte(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"ex:i1".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Byte.parseByte(v.getValue()); } // 读取Boolean类型 public boolean readBool(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"boolean".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return "1".equals(v.getValue()); } // 读取int类型 public int readInt(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"i4".equals(v.getType()) && !"int".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Integer.parseInt(v.getValue()); } // 读取long类型 public long readLong(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"ex:i8".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Long.parseLong(v.getValue()); } // 读取float类型 public float readFloat(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"ex:float".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Float.parseFloat(v.getValue()); } // 读取double类型 public double readDouble(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"double".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Double.parseDouble(v.getValue()); } // 读取String类型 public String readString(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"string".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Utils.fromXMLString(v.getValue()); } // 读取Buffer类型 public byte[] readBuffer(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"string".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return Utils.fromXMLBuffer(v.getValue()); } // 读取Record类型 public void readRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException { r.deserialize(this, tag); } // 开始读取Record public void startRecord(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"struct".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } } // 结束读取Record public void endRecord(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"/struct".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } } // 开始读取vector public Index startVector(String tag) throws IOException { Value v = next(); if (!"array".equals(v.getType())) { throw new IOException("Error deserializing "+tag+"."); } return new XmlIndex(); } // 结束读取vector public void endVector(String tag) throws IOException {} // 开始读取Map public Index startMap(String tag) throws IOException { return startVector(tag); } // 停止读取Map public void endMap(String tag) throws IOException { endVector(tag); }}
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  2.2 OutputArchive


public interface OutputArchive {    // 写Byte类型    public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写boolean类型    public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写int类型    public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写long类型    public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写float类型    public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写double类型    public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写String类型    public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException;    // 写Buffer类型    public void writeBuffer(byte buf[], String tag)        throws IOException;    // 写Record类型    public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始写Record    public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束写Record    public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始写Vector    public void startVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束写Vector    public void endVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException;    // 开始写Map    public void startMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException;    // 结束写Map    public void endMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException;}



  1. BinaryOutputArchive 

/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.jute;import java.io.DataOutput;import java.io.DataOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.util.List;import java.util.TreeMap;/** * */public class BinaryOutputArchive implements OutputArchive {    // 字节缓冲    private ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);    // DataInput接口,用于从二进制流中读取字节    private DataOutput out;        // 静态方法,用于获取Archive    public static BinaryOutputArchive getArchive(OutputStream strm) {        return new BinaryOutputArchive(new DataOutputStream(strm));    }        /** Creates a new instance of BinaryOutputArchive */    // 构造函数    public BinaryOutputArchive(DataOutput out) {        this.out = out;    }        // 写Byte类型    public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeByte(b);    }        // 写boolean类型    public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeBoolean(b);    }        // 写int类型    public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeInt(i);    }        // 写long类型    public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeLong(l);    }        // 写float类型    public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeFloat(f);    }        // 写double类型    public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException {        out.writeDouble(d);    }        /**     * create our own char encoder to utf8. This is faster      * then string.getbytes(UTF8).     * @param s the string to encode into utf8     * @return utf8 byte sequence.     */    // 将String类型转化为ByteBuffer类型    final private ByteBuffer stringToByteBuffer(CharSequence s) {        // 清空ByteBuffer        bb.clear();        // s的长度        final int len = s.length();        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // 遍历s            if (bb.remaining() < 3) { // ByteBuffer剩余大小小于3                // 再进行一次分配(扩大一倍)                ByteBuffer n = ByteBuffer.allocate(bb.capacity() << 1);                // 切换方式                bb.flip();                // 写入bb                n.put(bb);                bb = n;            }            char c = s.charAt(i);            if (c < 0x80) { // 小于128,直接写入                bb.put((byte) c);            } else if (c < 0x800) { // 小于2048,则进行相应处理                bb.put((byte) (0xc0 | (c >> 6)));                bb.put((byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)));            } else { // 大于2048,则进行相应处理                bb.put((byte) (0xe0 | (c >> 12)));                bb.put((byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)));                bb.put((byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)));            }        }        // 切换方式        bb.flip();        return bb;    }    // 写String类型    public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException {        if (s == null) {            writeInt(-1, "len");            return;        }        ByteBuffer bb = stringToByteBuffer(s);        writeInt(bb.remaining(), "len");        out.write(bb.array(), bb.position(), bb.limit());    }        // 写Buffer类型    public void writeBuffer(byte barr[], String tag)    throws IOException {        if (barr == null) {            out.writeInt(-1);            return;        }        out.writeInt(barr.length);        out.write(barr);    }        // 写Record类型    public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        r.serialize(this, tag);    }        // 开始写Record    public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {}        // 结束写Record    public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {}        // 开始写Vector    public void startVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException {        if (v == null) {            writeInt(-1, tag);            return;        }        writeInt(v.size(), tag);    }        // 结束写Vector    public void endVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException {}        // 开始写Map    public void startMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException {        writeInt(v.size(), tag);    }        // 结束写Map    public void endMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException {}    }
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  2. CsvOutputArchive 

/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.jute;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.PrintStream;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.util.List;import java.util.TreeMap;/** * */public class CsvOutputArchive implements OutputArchive {    // PrintStream为其他输出流添加了功能,使它们能够方便地打印各种数据值表示形式    private PrintStream stream;    // 默认为第一次    private boolean isFirst = true;        // 获取Archive    static CsvOutputArchive getArchive(OutputStream strm)    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {        return new CsvOutputArchive(strm);    }        // 私有函数,抛出异常    private void throwExceptionOnError(String tag) throws IOException {        if (stream.checkError()) {            throw new IOException("Error serializing "+tag);        }    }     // 私有函数,除第一次外,均打印","    private void printCommaUnlessFirst() {        if (!isFirst) {            stream.print(",");        }        isFirst = false;    }        /** Creates a new instance of CsvOutputArchive */    // 构造函数    public CsvOutputArchive(OutputStream out)    throws UnsupportedEncodingException {        stream = new PrintStream(out, true, "UTF-8");    }        // 写Byte类型    public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException {        writeLong((long)b, tag);    }        // 写boolean类型    public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException {        // 打印","        printCommaUnlessFirst();        String val = b ? "T" : "F";        // 打印值        stream.print(val);        // 抛出异常        throwExceptionOnError(tag);    }    // 写int类型    public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException {        writeLong((long)i, tag);    }        // 写long类型    public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print(l);        throwExceptionOnError(tag);    }        // 写float类型    public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException {        writeDouble((double)f, tag);    }        // 写double类型    public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print(d);        throwExceptionOnError(tag);    }        // 写String类型    public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print(Utils.toCSVString(s));        throwExceptionOnError(tag);    }        // 写Buffer类型    public void writeBuffer(byte buf[], String tag)    throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print(Utils.toCSVBuffer(buf));        throwExceptionOnError(tag);    }        // 写Record类型    public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        if (r == null) {            return;        }        r.serialize(this, tag);    }        // 开始写Record    public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        if (tag != null && !"".equals(tag)) {            printCommaUnlessFirst();            stream.print("s{");            isFirst = true;        }    }        // 结束写Record    public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException {        if (tag == null || "".equals(tag)) {            stream.print("\n");            isFirst = true;        } else {            stream.print("}");            isFirst = false;        }    }        // 开始写Vector    public void startVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print("v{");        isFirst = true;    }        // 结束写Vector    public void endVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException {        stream.print("}");        isFirst = false;    }        // 开始写Map    public void startMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException {        printCommaUnlessFirst();        stream.print("m{");        isFirst = true;    }        // 结束写Map    public void endMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException {        stream.print("}");        isFirst = false;    }}
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  3. XmlOutputArchive

/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package org.apache.jute;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.PrintStream;import java.util.List;import java.util.Stack;import java.util.TreeMap;/** * */class XmlOutputArchive implements OutputArchive {    // PrintStream为其他输出流添加了功能,使它们能够方便地打印各种数据值表示形式    private PrintStream stream;        // 缩进个数    private int indent = 0;        // 栈结构    private Stack
compoundStack; // 存放缩进 private void putIndent() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (int idx = 0; idx < indent; idx++) { sb.append(" "); } stream.print(sb.toString()); } // 添加缩进 private void addIndent() { indent++; } // 减少缩进 private void closeIndent() { indent--; } // 打印文件头格式 private void printBeginEnvelope(String tag) { if (!compoundStack.empty()) { String s = compoundStack.peek(); if ("struct".equals(s)) { putIndent(); stream.print("
\n"); addIndent(); putIndent(); stream.print("
\n"); putIndent(); stream.print("
"); } else if ("vector".equals(s)) { stream.print("
"); } else if ("map".equals(s)) { stream.print("
"); } } else { stream.print("
"); } } // 打印文件尾格式 private void printEndEnvelope(String tag) { if (!compoundStack.empty()) { String s = compoundStack.peek(); if ("struct".equals(s)) { stream.print("
\n"); closeIndent(); putIndent(); stream.print("
\n"); } else if ("vector".equals(s)) { stream.print("\n"); } else if ("map".equals(s)) { stream.print("\n"); } } else { stream.print("\n"); } } // private void insideVector(String tag) { printBeginEnvelope(tag); compoundStack.push("vector"); } private void outsideVector(String tag) throws IOException { String s = compoundStack.pop(); if (!"vector".equals(s)) { throw new IOException("Error serializing vector."); } printEndEnvelope(tag); } private void insideMap(String tag) { printBeginEnvelope(tag); compoundStack.push("map"); } private void outsideMap(String tag) throws IOException { String s = compoundStack.pop(); if (!"map".equals(s)) { throw new IOException("Error serializing map."); } printEndEnvelope(tag); } private void insideRecord(String tag) { printBeginEnvelope(tag); compoundStack.push("struct"); } private void outsideRecord(String tag) throws IOException { String s = compoundStack.pop(); if (!"struct".equals(s)) { throw new IOException("Error serializing record."); } printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 获取Archive static XmlOutputArchive getArchive(OutputStream strm) { return new XmlOutputArchive(strm); } /** Creates a new instance of XmlOutputArchive */ // 构造函数 public XmlOutputArchive(OutputStream out) { stream = new PrintStream(out); compoundStack = new Stack
(); } // 写Byte类型 public void writeByte(byte b, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Byte.toString(b)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写boolean类型 public void writeBool(boolean b, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(b ? "1" : "0"); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写int类型 public void writeInt(int i, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Integer.toString(i)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写long类型 public void writeLong(long l, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Long.toString(l)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写float类型 public void writeFloat(float f, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Float.toString(f)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写double类型 public void writeDouble(double d, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Double.toString(d)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写String类型 public void writeString(String s, String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Utils.toXMLString(s)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写Buffer类型 public void writeBuffer(byte buf[], String tag) throws IOException { printBeginEnvelope(tag); stream.print("
"); stream.print(Utils.toXMLBuffer(buf)); stream.print("
"); printEndEnvelope(tag); } // 写Record类型 public void writeRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException { r.serialize(this, tag); } // 开始写Record类型 public void startRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException { insideRecord(tag); stream.print("
\n"); addIndent(); } // 结束写Record类型 public void endRecord(Record r, String tag) throws IOException { closeIndent(); putIndent(); stream.print("
"); outsideRecord(tag); } // 开始写Vector类型 public void startVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException { insideVector(tag); stream.print("
\n"); addIndent(); } // 结束写Vector类型 public void endVector(List v, String tag) throws IOException { closeIndent(); putIndent(); stream.print("
"); outsideVector(tag); } // 开始写Map类型 public void startMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException { insideMap(tag); stream.print("
\n"); addIndent(); } // 结束写Map类型 public void endMap(TreeMap v, String tag) throws IOException { closeIndent(); putIndent(); stream.print("
"); outsideMap(tag); }}
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  2.3 Index


public interface Index {    // 是否已经完成    public boolean done();    // 下一项    public void incr();}



  1. BinaryIndex 

static private class BinaryIndex implements Index {        // 元素个数        private int nelems;        // 构造函数        BinaryIndex(int nelems) {            this.nelems = nelems;        }        // 是否已经完成        public boolean done() {            return (nelems <= 0);        }        // 移动一项        public void incr() {            nelems--;        }    }

  2. CsxIndex 

private class CsvIndex implements Index {        // 是否已经完成        public boolean done() {            char c = '\0';            try {                // 读取字符                c = (char) stream.read();                // 推回缓冲区                 stream.unread(c);            } catch (IOException ex) {            }            return (c == '}') ? true : false;        }        // 什么都不做        public void incr() {}    }

  3. XmlIndex 

private class XmlIndex implements Index {        // 是否已经完成        public boolean done() {            // 根据索引获取值            Value v = valList.get(vIdx);            if ("/array".equals(v.getType())) { // 判断是否值的类型是否为/array                // 设置索引的值                valList.set(vIdx, null);                // 索引加1                vIdx++;                return true;            } else {                return false;            }        }        // 什么都不做        public void incr() {}    }

  2.4 Record


public interface Record {    // 序列化    public void serialize(OutputArchive archive, String tag)        throws IOException;    // 反序列化    public void deserialize(InputArchive archive, String tag)        throws IOException;}




package com.leesf.zookeeper_samples;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.Set;import java.util.TreeMap;import org.apache.jute.BinaryInputArchive;import org.apache.jute.BinaryOutputArchive;import org.apache.jute.Index;import org.apache.jute.InputArchive;import org.apache.jute.OutputArchive;import org.apache.jute.Record;public class ArchiveTest {    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException {        String path = "F:\\test.txt";        // write operation        OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(path));        BinaryOutputArchive binaryOutputArchive = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(outputStream);                binaryOutputArchive.writeBool(true, "boolean");        byte[] bytes = "leesf".getBytes();        binaryOutputArchive.writeBuffer(bytes, "buffer");        binaryOutputArchive.writeDouble(13.14, "double");        binaryOutputArchive.writeFloat(5.20f, "float");        binaryOutputArchive.writeInt(520, "int");        Person person = new Person(25, "leesf");        binaryOutputArchive.writeRecord(person, "leesf");        TreeMap
map = new TreeMap
(); map.put("leesf", 25); map.put("dyd", 25); Set
keys = map.keySet(); binaryOutputArchive.startMap(map, "map"); int i = 0; for (String key: keys) { String tag = i + ""; binaryOutputArchive.writeString(key, tag); binaryOutputArchive.writeInt(map.get(key), tag); i++; } binaryOutputArchive.endMap(map, "map"); // read operation InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(path)); BinaryInputArchive binaryInputArchive = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(inputStream); System.out.println(binaryInputArchive.readBool("boolean")); System.out.println(new String(binaryInputArchive.readBuffer("buffer"))); System.out.println(binaryInputArchive.readDouble("double")); System.out.println(binaryInputArchive.readFloat("float")); System.out.println(binaryInputArchive.readInt("int")); Person person2 = new Person(); binaryInputArchive.readRecord(person2, "leesf"); System.out.println(person2); Index index = binaryInputArchive.startMap("map"); int j = 0; while (!index.done()) { String tag = j + ""; System.out.println("key = " + binaryInputArchive.readString(tag) + ", value = " + binaryInputArchive.readInt(tag)); index.incr(); j++; } } static class Person implements Record { private int age; private String name; public Person() { } public Person(int age, String name) { this.age = age; this.name = name; } public void serialize(OutputArchive archive, String tag) throws IOException { archive.startRecord(this, tag); archive.writeInt(age, "age"); archive.writeString(name, "name"); archive.endRecord(this, tag); } public void deserialize(InputArchive archive, String tag) throws IOException { archive.startRecord(tag); age = archive.readInt("age"); name = archive.readString("name"); archive.endRecord(tag); } public String toString() { return "age = " + age + ", name = " + name; } }}


trueleesf13.145.2520age = 25, name = leesfkey = dyd, value = 25key = leesf, value = 25




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